Monday, October 1, 2012

The Sexy Sunglasses

After 44 hours of being ill with either the flu or the nastiest stomach bug known to human, I finally have some energy to write about my experience and the pride I got out of it all.
It started Saturday night when Grace woke up screaming for us as she lost her cupcakes on the way to the bathroom. I had just finished telling Chad that I was feeling queasy, myself. But I thought I just ate too many sweets having been to two birthday parties that day... As I sat comforting Grace, Chad began cleaning up her trail from her room to the bathroom. Just as I was going to blame the big wad of...what I'm guessing to least three pieces of swallowed gum (she's not allowed to have gum) for her illness, I started getting the sweats and chills at that very moment. And so started my first visit to the Porcelain bowl. Oh - the abuse it has taken in the past two days - I'll spare all details...
Chad spent the entire night with Grace, as she woke up sick at least ten times. My poor angel. The good news? It passed through her system much, much quicker than mine. I only awoke about four times. At my official morning wake-up, I opened my eyes to find I was experiencing the worst migraine I ever had, ever, in my life. I spent the entire day in bed as Chad took care of the kids and puppy and was there for me with every text request I sent to him. Bless his heart.
I woke up again today still with the migraine. Even with the smallest amount of light coming through my blackout shades (I had my window cracked for fresh air), I couldn't handle it! Grace was already in my room checking on me. I asked her to go tell Daddy I needed my headache medicine. 
Within 30 minutes, Chad came up to tell me he was nauseous. Oh, No!! He explained his symptoms to me. Yep! He caught it! My poor hero husband...all that care taking he did for us...and his reward? The nastiness I wouldn't wish on any idiot driver on Route 422 during Rush Hour. 
I came downstairs so he wouldn't have to endure the pressure from two kids and a puppy. But not without first stumbling to my car to get my sunglasses....which I had to wear most of the day...inside of my bright house...over top of my Rx glasses. Sexy, right?

My pride? It came with learning the maturity that Grace (age 5) seemed to gain over night. Or maybe I just hadn't noticed well enough in the busyness of a normal day of operation in my life. She covered me with a blanket, sat at my feet, rubbed my leg and said "I love you, Mommy. Is there anything I can do to help you?" I just cried. My daughter is such a caring soul. It was at that moment I just looked at her and thought "when did she grow up?" She spent the rest of the morning playing with Nathan and making me "soup." (Soup = a plastic ball, a cross necklace, and a small bowl) and insisted that I eat it all so I'll feel better. 
I always miss her when I'm not with her, but I missed her even more when I dropped her off to Kindergarten this morning. I couldn't wait to pick her up. As we drove home, I asked her what she wanted for dinner. The kid totally deserves anything she wants today! She chose spaghetti. Made me love her even more: spaghetti is my favorite, too! I just hope I'm able to eat it....but leftovers will work tomorrow if I can't. 

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